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Nimrod vs Abraham:
Whose Economy are You In?


Descendants of Abraham,
    All love and happinesses to you from an amazing Father.
    Strong meat is served. To some, meat that will take a few months, maybe longer, to chew and digest. That's okay, chew that cud like a cow! Milk is easy, bread is yummy, but if you want to come of full age financially in God's system, which is Abrahamic, you need strong meat. That super adorable, twenty-minute, Sunday morning seeker sensitive message that makes you feel like you just got asked to the high school prom, will never be enough to redesign your financial personality from Nimrodian to Abrahamic.
    This article is from questions and ongoing discussions I have had with a few of you over the years, especially recently. The article organizes and systematizes the answers to several of your questions.

Nimrod & Abraham

The war between Yahweh Elohim, the Most High God, and Lucifer, one of a triumvirate of deputy archangels, began on earth in earnest in the Garden (Gen 3). This war took on community-wide or sociological ramifications through the banishment of Cain, and, the emergence of Seth and his prayer movement (4:26). It took on regional and international ramifications through the apostasy of Nimrod and his Project Babylon (10:8-12), and, the emergence of Abraham and God's very first revelation of His global plans (11:26-12:3). Nimrod and Abraham represent the human fathers of two kingdoms on earth: the visible kingdom of Satan, of which Babel/Babylon was the first organized expression, and the visible kingdom of God, of which Abraham was the first custodian of that kingdom's identity, rights, and lineage (17:6,16).

With both kingdoms seeking to influence and rule the planet, all of a sudden the issue of money becomes surprisingly relevant. And problematic.


God gives us only four verses on Nimrod: Genesis 10:8-12. Please read them before continuing. The bit that is relevant to our subject is, he founded " the land of Shinar" (v10 NKJV). Babel is Babylon.

"His Kingdom"
    Notice this exceedingly illuminating fact: the phrase "his kingdom" first appears in Scripture in reference to Nimrod's kingdom (10:10), not God's. In fact, the first use of the word "kingdom" (Hebrew mamlakah) in all of Scripture is, again, in reference to Nimrod's kingdom (10:10). What a message. This is precisely where every individual's problems begin, your problems and mine too: our kingdom is first, not God's.


An Old Diamond in a New Light
    The diamond of Matthew 6:33 refracts light in a new direction when we place it in the light of Genesis 10:10. If we seek first God's kingdom, unlike Nimrod who sought first his own, then all these things will be added or gifted to us. We do not have to stress, fight, trick, have business cards with a cross and a dove landing on it, or be fake nice so someone will throw us a doggy treat. The goodnesses of God, economics included, will follow and overtake the one who seeks Him first, wholeheartedly, consistently (Ps 23:6, Ro 8:32, 1Ti 6:17).


Nimrod's Four Values
    It hurts my heart to see Nimrod originally had some type of relationship with Yahweh. Twice we are told he was mighty on earth because he was "before Yahweh" (Gen 10:8,9). The preposition "before", when used with "the Lord", is a Biblical synonym for "in the presence of" (Ps 16:8, 1Ki 17:1; read in Young's Literal Translation).
    Nimrod changed, though. Instead of duct-taping himself to the Lord and struggling with Him to work out his values and wishes (Php 2:12), he fell away and sought to fulfill these his own way. Genesis indicates four main desires driving Nimrod towards Project Babylon: divinity, identity, security, and community (the acronym DISC). Because this article is ultimately about money, in the final third I will explain DISC in relation to your heart, life, and finances.


DISC: Divinity, Identity, Security, Community
    Nimrod chased these DISC values apart from God. Through Babel he sought to experience godhood (divinity), so the Nimrodians started building a tower that would reach heaven. The literal wording, however, is more specific and shocking. Genesis 11:4 in Young's Literal Translation says they wanted a tower with "its head in the heavens". Oh the revelations of Scripture and Spirit! Their head, Nimrod, would be seated in heaven as God when they were finished. This is a direct manifestation of Satan in Nimrod, who said the same thing in his heart almost word for word. See Isaiah 14:13,14.
    Through Babylon, Nimrod and his followers would also experience an identity, "a name for ourselves" (v4). Through Babylon, he and his followers would also experience security, "lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth" (v4 NKJV). Through Babylon, he and his followers would also experience community, "ourselves a city" (v4).


The Economy of Babylon Begins
    And so began an economy. An economy driven by me being my own god, me first, what John called "the pride of life" (1Jn 2:16), instead of Yahweh being my First Love and my Everything. An economy driven by me making a name for myself, instead of my Father naming me and making that name meaningful and fruitful according to my purpose in Him (Gen 12:2). An economy driven by deep fears of destitution, never having enough, or geopolitical defeat, instead of a peaceful security only a Father can provide. An economy driven by a community that works together to create structures and institutions opposed to God, philosophically or practically.


The United States? Kinda, Not Totally
    Does the previous paragraph sound familiar? Even though I love my country, the United States, where I was born, raised, live in today, and have enjoyed many wondrous things, I confess my country is becoming one of the clearest expressions of Nimrod's heart. As the end of the age gets closer and closer, my country will increasingly, with the rest of the globe, be absorbed into the spirit of Antichrist and his emerging eschatological platform.
    Do not misunderstand, though, the U.S. is not the Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18. Every society on earth is, to differing degrees, an expression of one pervasive, global, mysterious Babylon. Those that suggest the U.S. is the Babylon of Revelation fail to follow the theological and hermeneutical beeline from Nimrod (Gen 10:8,9) to local Babylon (v10, 11:1-9) to regional Babylon (Jeremiah, Daniel, Habakkuk, etc.) to global Babylon (Rev 17,18). In the last days, this evolving, once-local, once-regional, now-global system will be destroyed with catastrophic judgments--especially her economy (Jas 5:1-6, Rev 18).

See how much the angel emphasizes the destruction of Babylon's economy in Revelation 18.

Still want all your money and economic designs in Babylon?


The majesty of divine tactics. God let Satan go first; he raised up Nimrod and Babylon. God went second; He raised up Abraham and Israel. Even the verses are sequential and back to back: Nimrod and Babylon, Genesis 10 and 11, Abraham and (the promise of) Israel, Genesis 12.

Subjective Values God's Way
    God is never against our subjective values (Ps 84:11). He does require that we seek Him first and sincerely, though, and only after that, work out those desires with Him His way (Php 2:12).
    This is why Nimrod's story is such a tragic irony. God would have granted him the desires of his heart, had he delighted in working them out with Him His way (Ps 37:4, 20:4,5, Jn 15:7, 1Jn 3:22). God, ironically, fulfilled Nimrod's values in Abraham and his seed (the four values indicated in Genesis 11, and several more not even mentioned). This is important and central to the Biblical narrative.


    We are not gods. However, our Maker always intended to share His divine nature with us and give us an analogous experience.
    Peter tells us, those in a relationship with God receive "great and precious promises" through which they are "partakers" or "participants" in the divine nature (2Pet 1:4). This partaking began with Abraham, who was the very first to receive these so-called great and precious promises in an epochal, epoch-making way. Had Nimrod struggled it out with God, Genesis 10-12 would read very differently today.


    The Father always intended to give each of us an individual identity. He designed us individually with a life purpose in view. Psalm 33:15 (NKJV) says, He fashions their hearts individually... Zechariah 12:1 (NKJV) says He ...forms the spirit of man within him. Other better-known scriptures say the same thing, like Psalm 139:13-16, Ephesians 2:10.
    This is why Project Babel was such a disrespect to the Father. The Nimrodians brazenly boasted they wanted to make a name for themselves (Gen 11:4). They did not want a name that originated in God, that was made through His inspiration and tactics, that bloomed upward for His glory. After letting Satan move first, God countermoved sarcastically by giving Abraham and his seed the very identity the Nimrodians chased compulsively. Genesis 12:2 says (NIV, underline mine): I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

    As our Father, God always intended to provide practical security for us His people. This does not mean total immunity from all pain or loss, as many New Covenant scriptures clarify: 2Timothy 3:12, Philippians 3:10, 1Peter 5:9,10, Revelation 1:9, 2Corinthians 12:10. God's practical security means, if we walk closely and obediently with Him every day of every season, He will sovereignly select which tribulations to allow (2Co 12:7-10), and develop and deliver us in the midst of them (1Co 10:13, 1Pet 5:10), but will protect us supernaturally from all others that do not fit His customized designs for our life (Ps 139:16, 1Jn 5:18).
    Recognizing this selective, strategic security throughout the Word is central to understanding the tribulation of the godly. Joseph's tribulations were formfitted or teleological to who he would become for God in Egypt. And Moses' tribulations. And David's. And Paul's. And John's. Study their hardships teleologically, with their life purpose in mind. Your eyes will open to the invisible bridge of God's selective, strategic security connecting developmental hardships to personal destiny.
    Nimrod did not want selective, strategic security. He wanted total immunity from another flood, whether global or personal, whether meteorological or relational or emotional or geopolitical or financial. Notice how Babylon says, "I will never mourn" (Rev 18:7 NIV). This compulsion for total immunity on earth is unrealistic. To Nimrod, this meant a tower so high that neither water nor people could reach him or his followers. God's countermove offered this truly astonishing security blessing to Abraham (Gen 12:3): I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse...


    As a Father desiring a family, God always intended to set His people in a community, as His own family. Read Genesis 17, notice the community theme. God countered Nimrod's building of Sin City by making Abraham the first pebble of a Holy City, "For he [Abraham] was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God" (Heb 11:10 NIV).

Satan versus God, move and countermove, Nimrod and Abraham. A two-system world emerges.

A Two-System Macrocosm

Nimrod went his own way, abandoning God and chasing values-fulfillment through his own determination and abilities. This resulted in a local Babylon, and eventually, a regional Babylon, and eventually, a global Babylon. We see that God is perpetually good, never against our desires, only requiring that we work them out with Him as He is sincerely first in all things at all times. This resulted in Abraham, and eventually, Israel and the church--an earthly kingdom expression where God gifts to His people everything the Nimrodians chase so compulsively.
    What emerged in Genesis 10-12 was a two-system macrocosm: Nimrodian vs Abrahamic, Satan's kingdom and God's kingdom in their earthly forms. These two systems not only reveal motive, but also the position of money.

Getting In & Staying In The Abrahamic Economy

Let's practicalize all this truth. Each subsection below will contain a side-by-side comparison of the two systems, with financial implications and applications.

Divinity & Money

Me First Always or Often

Isaiah 47:8 (NKJV): ...Who [Babylon] say in your heart, "I am, and there
    is no one else besides me..."

Revelation 18:7 (NIV): ...In her heart she [Babylon] boasts, "I sit enthroned..."

3John 1:9 (NIV): ...Diotrephes, who loves to be first...


God First, Communion with His Nature

Genesis 17:1 (NIV): the LORD appeared to him [Abram] and said, "I am God
    Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless."

2Peter 1:4 (NIV): ...he has given us his very great and precious promises, so
    that through them you may participate in the divine nature...


    How does this segue into finances? In my life, if I am first always or often and God is not, then I need money to prop up my self-rule and its components. I become a chaser and lover of money where enough is never enough (Ecc 5:10), not because of the money, per se, but because that money props up my ability to control many things. It is this Nimrodian idolatry that keeps provoking the judgments of God upon societies and individuals, in the form of economic depressions, recessions, dangerous levels of debt, constantly growing expenses, broken this, broken that, emergency here, lost job there, lost retirement here, my stock is now worthless there, catastrophic weather damage here, unexpected pay cut there, and on and on and on. While some of these downturns seem immanent to earthly life and economics, keep in mind, James and John both prophesied major economic judgments in the last days (Jas 5:1-6, Rev 18).
    If God is my true first, I am no longer a chaser and lover of money. I am a man/woman of deep daily prayer, spiritual study, growth where I need it, quick obedience, finding and fulfilling His life purpose for me, and put simply, God-obsessed! It is only to this kind of heart and habit that God then promises, "and all these things will be added to you as well" (Mt 6:33). Added means gifted (Ecc 5:19), rewarded (Heb 11:6), these things follow me (Ps 23:6), I flow into them (Isa 33:21), without me forcing anything.
    You will get in and stay in Abraham's economy if you buffet your lower self and refuse to be your own god. It becomes much easier or freeflowing or "oarless" over time (see Isaiah 33:21). Make God the precious prize of your heart and daily life--not in words or theory or an imagined down-the-road ideal in your head--but in your everyday time investments and mini-choices. This daily, growing communion with His divine nature will progressively become the nature of your life, which is one that prospers in all things, as your soul prospers first (3Jn 2 NKJV).

Identity & Money

I Make a Name for Myself

Genesis 11:4 (NKJV): ...let us make a name for ourselves...

Isaiah 14:13-15 (NKJV, underline mine): For you have said in your heart: "I
    will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will
    also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I
    will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." Yet
    you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit.


God Names Me

Genesis 17:5 (NKJV): No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your
    name shall be Abraham...

Isaiah 45:4 (NKJV): ...I have named you, though you have not known me.
Isaiah 65:15 (NIV): ...but to his servants he will give another name.

Revelation 2:17 (NKJV): To him who overcomes I will give...a new name...


    How does this segue into finances? If, like the Nimrodians, I endeavor to make a name for myself, I would need significant money to do so, and once I did, I would need significant money to keep that name propped up. This concept is easy to understand if you look at cultural personalities in the U.S. What kind of name or sense of personhood would the Kardashians have if they made minimum wage and lived in an apartment? What about Floyd "Money" Mayweather, what would his self-concept be? What about Donald Trump? Melania?
    You see, in Babylon, it is nearly impossible to separate the money from the man and the man from the money, because, money is constitutional to the beginning, development, completion, and sustenance of the Nimrodian project that says, "Let us make a name for ourselves" (Gen 11:4).
    In the Abrahamic kingdom, however, identity is recognizable by a believer's fulfillment of their life purpose in God, regardless of their financial level. While Elijah the prophet was surviving on supernatural welfare vis-a-vis birds, a creek, and a widow, every soul in Israel, especially Ahab and Jezebel, knew his identity. Whether Paul was in financial plenty or financial lack there was no mistake about his identity either, those in his sphere knew well what he was (Php 4:11-13).
    You will get in and stay in Abraham's economy if you let God name you, i.e., illuminate in you and develop in you the destiny identity He has prewritten for you (Ps 139:16). While money manufactures and props up Babylonian identities, in the Abrahamic system, more than enough money comes with our God-given name. Hear this colossal revelation from Genesis 17: it was only after God revealed Abram's destiny name, Abraham (v5), did the promise of "exceedingly fruitful" immediately follow (v6). You see beloveds, some of you are trying to reach "exceedingly fruitful", financially in particular, without first hearing, learning, and growing into your God-given name, your life purpose identity. This is roughly what Solomon is saying in Ecclesiastes 5:19. In Babylon the money makes the name. In the Holy City the name comes with money.

Security & Money

I Must Build a Strong, High Tower

Genesis 11:4 (NKJV): ...Come, let us build ourselves...a tower whose top is in the

Proverbs 11:28 (NKJV): He who trusts in his riches will fall...

Psalm 52:7 (NIV): Here now is the man who did not make God his stronghold
    but trusted in his great wealth...

Psalm 62:10 (NKJV): ...If riches increase, do not set your heart on them.


The Lord is My Strong, High Tower

Proverbs 18:10 (YLT): A tower of strength [is] the name of Jehovah, into it
    the righteous runneth, and is set on high.

Psalm 61:3 (NKJV): For you have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from
    the enemy

2Chronicles 14:7 (NIV): "Let us build up these towns," he said to Judah, "and
    put walls around them, with towers, gates and bars. The land is still ours,
    because we have sought the L
ORD our God; we sought him and he has
    given us rest on every side." So they built and prospered


    How does this segue into finances? If I am first always or often as my own god (divinity), if I am making my own name instead of letting my Maker name me (identity), then I am completely and perpetually dependent on myself for my own security. This triggers terrible anxiety to always have enough money, always live in the best location, always have defense mechanisms...the security neurosis never ends. God's security promises are not for you if He is not your true first. You are in imminent existential danger. I am not trying to scare you, I am admonishing you that if you are your own god, the Father has no obligation to deliver or protect you in any way. You are outside of the Glory canopy (next paragraph). The New Testament is easy to understand on this concept: Acts 5:1-11, 1Corinthians 5:5, 11:29-32, 1Timothy 1:20, Revelation 18:4.
    You will get in and stay in Abraham's economy if you keep the Father as your true first, let Him illuminate and develop your destiny name, and proactively trust in His security. Isaiah 4:5,6 (NIV) say this about anything and everything pertaining to His faithful people: ...over everything the glory will be a canopy...a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.
    Financially speaking, this means our security is in His immediate presence as He "teaches you to profit" (Isa 48:17 NKJV). This teaching and development happens in a sequence, not all at once. In the meantime, we must dig into His presence for guidance, peace, safety, protection, money techniques--whatever we need--as that developmental sequence is playing out. He may lead you to get a second job. Obey. He may lead you to trim down superfluous expenses, or save at higher levels, or save less and spend or give tactically. Obey. He may lead you dig deeper into faith and trust that He will somehow make your now-money go farther, or will send what is lacking from unexpected sources. Obey. If you will dig into new depths in His presence you will experience His selective, strategic security in incredible ways in the financial phase you are in. This invisible tower, the Father's security, is where you must proactively direct your prayers and dependence at all times. Especially as Babylon's economy suffers new waves of eschatological judgments.

Community & Money

Relational, Social Webs Where God is Not

God-Centered Relationships, Community

Genesis 11:4 (NKJV): ...let us build ourselves a city...lest we be scattered...

Psalm 83:5 (NIV): With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance
    against you.

Psalm 2:2,3 (NIV): The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together
    against the L
ORD and against his anointed...


1Peter 2:17 (NIV): the family of believers...

Hebrews 10:24,25 (NIV): And let us consider how we may spur one another
    on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are
    in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you
    see the Day approaching.


    How does this segue into finances? If you have lived long enough, maybe you have noticed Babylonian money comes with strings attached, with shadowy agendas, with catch-22s, with slickness and sickness. (I am not referring to normal expectations, like work for compensation and compensation for work.) Babylonian money operates in a community, in relational and social webs where God is not welcome (even if He is given lip service). Do not immediately think of secular globalism and macroeconomics, think of your little world where Babylon's mystery and power subtly tries to affect your money via social dynamics.
    Is there someone around you that is (or could be) a financial drain on your money? Do you have fundamentally different and competing financial philosophies than your spouse, family, church, business partner, coworker? Do your relationships help or hurt your economic development in God? Regarding people, to whom does most of your money go? Does your money mostly circulate in the Abrahamic community (Israel and the church), or in Babylon's institutions and structures?
    You will get in and stay in Abraham's economy if you get in and stay in Abrahamic community, and, give and invest most of your money there, not Babylon. To you and I, an Abrahamic community means a Bible-believing, born-again ekklesia and oikos. (With today's technology that niche can be wider, with precious opportunities.) It does not have to be a stained-glass building with an 11am Sunday service and a 6pm Wednesday service after fellowship supper. That is not at all wrong, just realize God has diverse physiognomies of ekklesia and oikos fitted to different types of people and spiritual levels.
    You must connect and deepen your experience with the Abrahamic biome. Your spiritual isolation and financial not-enough are different ends of the same stick. Stop giving so much money to Nimrod! God promised to bless those (financially included) who bless Abraham, not Nimrod! Bless Abraham and his seed! Reorder your money to the Abrahamic community and Genesis 12:3 will reorder much more back to you.

Get Out Now!

Get out of Babylon! Revelation 18:4 (NIV) orders all believers in Christ: ...Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.
This does not, at the present moment, mean stop using banks or go live on an Amish farm. Babylon is a system of fulfilling one's DISC values without God. Babylon can happen in your church or family just as easily as Wall Street or globalist epicenters. Coming out of Babylon is spiritual, attitudinal, and behavioral. Sure there will be a last-days city or capital for Babylon (Rev 18:10,21), but until that city is obvious and revealed, we need to be focusing on getting out of Babylon's mysterious undertow, the mystery of iniquity (2Th 2:7), where our heart and money have been seduced away from God's Abrahamic economy. Come out of her, my people! So you will not share in her sins, so you will not receive any of her plagues!

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