Are You a Planner or Intuiter?
Planning too much is the serial killer of an intriguing, paranormal life in God. Think overscheduling, rigid scheduling, gapless activity sequences, little spontaneity, little stillness, hypersensitive rejection of sidetracks, poor listening skills, mind racing, etc. These beavers on caffeine might call this "planning" or "determination" or "work ethic" or some other glowing trait, but we know deep down something is off. A dysfunctional need to control. And this rises from unhealed rotten roots like specific fears, trait loneliness, low self-esteem, sexual issues, etc.
Minimalist planning (i.e., must-do planning) is necessary and Biblical (Pr 15:22, 21:5). Control planning, though, is a high-achieving survival mechanism Febreze-ing something stinkier at the bottom of the laundry pile.
Control Planning Blocks Serendipity
Imagine a spectrum, with minimalist planning at one end and control planning at the other. As much as possible, we want to be on the minimalist planning half of that spectrum. The more we cross that midpoint or the longer we stay on the control half, the more we need to address our deeper emotional issues in God's presence.
Staying in minimal planning opens space for serendipitous gifts to insinuate themselves to us. Minimal planning enables serendipity, overplanning blocks it out in defense of the almighty schedule. God's gifts rarely force themselves on us. They insinuate themselves on the sidetracks and edges of our life, requiring constant intuitive curiosity on our part. A burning bush. A younger brother with God-dreams. A pretty single woman gleaning in your field. A preaching weirdo who eats locusts. A prefurnished upper room.
Born-Again Intuition
The born-again life is an unforced life of intuition. While minimal planning is the must-do skeleton, everything else is intuitive moves and countermoves. Though the unsaved also have intuition, the saved have multiple "enhancers" to their intuition: the Spirit, the mind of Christ, Scripture, spiritual gifts, etc. Our born-again intuition is a semi-clairvoyant faculty to spot benefits, threats, and anything in-between.
Hebrews 5:14 says we can grow these supernatural "senses" (NKJV). Gearshift out of control planning into an intuitive worldview. Plan the absolute necessities, but live by intuitive prayer. Pray and sense, pray and sense, pray and sense. Do not ignore impressions and nudges of grace that prompt spontaneous acts or venturesome risks. Take vibes, auras, subtext, gestures, and Freudian slips seriously. If you will get good at this intuitive way of being, you will find many heavenly gifts of serendipity hinting at you on the sidetracks and subtle edges of your life.